Given the extremely high toxicity level of chemical flea preventatives, many folks are wondering if there's a better way. I won't guarantee results, but I am having good luck with the following.
The natural way to combat fleas:
Feed garlic ... 1/2 clove per day for small dogs or cats, up to a clove or two for a big dog. It's garlic, not rocket science. You will occasionally read that dogs shouldn't have garlic. Most vets have decided that onions are a no-no but garlic is good for several different things - flea avoidance being a big one.
Feed brewers yeast - from a teaspoon to a tablespoon. Dissolve in warm water and feed with meal.
You can also sprinkle brewers yeast on the dog but do it outside - the fleas will jump off and you don't want them on your carpet!
Here's a great pet product from Lavish in Mission Hills. It smells delightful and has great essential oils to ward off fleas. Garlic, brewers yeast, and essential oils - you can't go wrong!

I also detest fleas enough that I won't think a single bad thought if you decide to exterminate them chemically. They are nasty little buggers! If you do use chemicals, don't waste your time on the pet store "flea aisle" products. They are toxic + not effective - a bad combination! Go straight to the vet counter at petsmart or google "discount pet medication" and get Advantix or Frontline!
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