Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gunky Eyes

Lily's coat is beautiful, her scratching is decreasing, she's got a great shape and is growing nicely. The thing I just can't get a handle on is her gunky eyes! She wakes up with eye goobers, I clean them out and she's good for the rest of the day.
The vet checked them out and said she doesn't have an infection or anything that requires treatment, simply to clean them and rinse with saline if needed. He seems to think it's probably an environmental irritant - dust, grass, pollen, etc. Darn it, it's irritating me!

Andi has an eye rinse solution in her book but it includes boric acid and I just can't bear the thought of putting boric acid (makes a good natural ant poison, BTW) near an eyeball. Need to do more research to feel comfortable.

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